Vivara Privacy Statement

This privacy statement describes how we, Vivara Ltd, collect, hold, and process your personal information within the Vivara Guide, and how we protect your privacy.

Our Commitment to Your Privacy

We are committed to protecting the security of all personal information held within the Vivara Guide system. We take all reasonable precautions to protect it from unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure.

This privacy statement outlines what personal information is collected, how it is stored, used, and shared, and how you can access or correct your personal information. We are committed to protecting your privacy when you use the Vivara Guide or contact us in any way.

Your Personal Information

Collecting Your Personal Information

We store and process your personal information to provide the Vivara Guide system effectively.

Information Collected from You

When you access the Vivara Guide, the following personal information may be stored and processed:

Information Collected from Third Parties

We always collect personal information in a fair and lawful manner. It will usually collect information directly from you or from other organizations (such as healthcare providers or wearable companies) who may supply biometric and personal health data.

Using Your Personal Information

To deliver the Vivara Guide system, we use your personal information in the ways set out below. If we need to use information in a way not outlined below, we will only do so if required or permitted by law or with your authorization.

We only hold your personal information that is necessary for the functioning of the Vivara Guide system.

Marketing Communications

We will not use your personal information for marketing purposes.

Sharing Your Personal Information

We will not sell or rent your personal information to any third party.

We do not normally contract out services that involve disclosing personal information. If we contract out any of its functions, it will seek a commitment from the other contracting party to treat all personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

How We Store and Protect Personal Information

We store your personal information responsibly and take reasonable steps to ensure the security of your personal information. We use trusted third-party providers to store and process our data and ensure that our cloud-based platforms meet stringent privacy requirements, including HIPAA and GDPR compliance.


We do not use any third-party cookies or other technologies for marketing and to gather website usage information. We store and use only strictly necessary cookies for the functioning of the Vivara Guide system as follows:

Temporary Cookies - Expire at End of User Session

Important: You should not use a "remember my login" feature on a browser unless you are the only person who has access to the browser. Never enable this feature on a public access computer as this could allow other people to access your personal information.

Links to Other Websites

Before you disclose any personal information to another site, we advise you to check its terms and conditions, including its privacy and security policies.

Your Privacy Rights

You have the right to request access to and correct any personal information that is held about you at any time.

All requests should be sent to a Vivara Guide administrator ( which will raise a request with us for consideration and resolution.

Rights of Access

You have the right to request a copy of the personal information we hold about you. When any such request is received, we will process your request as soon as possible and provide you with our decision on your request within 20 working days. We will also take steps to verify your identity before providing you with any requested personal information.

Asking Us to Stop Using Your Information

You can ask us to stop using your information. However, if you ask us to stop using your information, we may not be able to provide you with all our services.


We are committed to dealing quickly and appropriately with any privacy complaints.

If you are concerned this privacy statement may have been breached or your privacy has been compromised, please raise a request to a Vivara Guide administrator ( which will raise with us for resolution.